50 Things to Do at Home
Hey teacher-friends! As I write this in March 2020, I know many of us are facing the prospect of staying home for several weeks. You might have plenty to do already if you have kids at home or are being asked to teach online, but on the other hand, you might be wondering how you’re going to keep yourself from getting cabin fever. As an expert homebody, I’ve put together a list of 50 things you can do at home! Some are fun and some are more of a chore, but they’ll all keep you busy! Two things you’ll notice aren’t on the list are binge watching TV and constantly checking social media. I’ve done some research into it for a project I’m working on, and watching TV for more than two hours actually makes you enjoy it less and zaps you of energy. So try keeping it down to two hours a day if you can! You don’t need to go on a total social media break (unless you want to!), but constantly checking all your newsfeeds may make you more anxious in times like these. Okay, without further ado, here’s my list! This post may contain affiliate links.
Read a book. Library closed? You may still be able to access e-books and audiobooks through your library’s app. My local library uses one called Libby.
Take a bath. Make it extra special by using a bath bomb or bath salts and lighting candles.
Work on a puzzle. You can find some of my favorites here.
Go on a long walk.
Organize a closet.
Declutter your whole house, Marie Kondo-style.
Get caught up on laundry.
Write in your journal.
Deep clean your house.
Do yoga using a YouTube video as your guide.
Play with your pet.
Bathe and groom your pet.
Color in a coloring book.
Knit or crochet something— teach yourself using online tutorials if you don’t know how!
Catch up with friends and family members on the phone or via video chat.
Play a board game.
Prep materials for your classroom.
Write a long distance friend or family member a letter or email.
Make a collage or vision board.
Bake something. (if you have the ingredients!)
Sort through your mail.
Have a picnic.
Paint your nails.
Apply a face mask.
Rearrange or redecorate a room.
Listen to a podcast.
Read a longform article. The Longform.org website is great for these!
Give your partner a massage or vice versa.
Try out some new hairstyles.
Play (or learn!) a musical instrument.
Online shop if you have something you need— I know this can get dangerous real fast!
Learn a new language using an app like Duolingo.
Clean up the files on your computer.
Get to inbox zero if you’re into that.
Start a bullet journal. I’ve been bullet journaling for two years and I love it!
Do your taxes.
Take care of your plants.
Do some yard work.
Take a free online class.
Have a dance party in your living room.
Make a new playlist.
Write a bucket list.
Start a gratitude journal.
Wash your sheets.
Clean up your Facebook friends list and who you follow on Instagram.
Try making a new cocktail or mocktail.
Create a budget or review the one you already have.
Flip through any magazines you have lying around and recycle the ones you’re done with— or use them for a collage!
Find or write some affirmations that are meaningful to you and display them somewhere you’ll see them daily.
No time to read now?