How Strong is Your Teacher Self-Care? Take the Quiz!

Are you hearing a lot of about teacher wellness and mental health, but don’t really know how you’re doing? Teaching is obviously a stressful job, and sometimes it’s hard to know if you’re coping as well as can be expected, or if something needs to change. That’s why I created the Teacher Self-Care Quiz! This post contains affiliate links.

It’s included in my book, The Teacher’s Guide to Self-Care, but you can also take it for free right here. You’ll find out whether you’re practicing strong or adequate self-care, or whether you’re struggling or seriously struggling with self-care.

Take the Quiz!

Interested in learning more?

The Teacher’s Guide to Self-Care will help you create the self-care routines you need for a sustainable career.

However you scored, I hope you feel inspired to take your self-care more seriously. You deserve it!

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