10 Affirmations for Teachers
Affirmations are a powerful way to shift your mindset and feel more positive about your life and yourself. Teaching is so challenging in so many ways, and affirmations can help you maintain calm and peace throughout those challenges. These are a few of my favorites, with an emphasis on teacher self care, since that’s a particular passion of mine!
I treat myself and my students with kindness.
I believe in myself and my abilities.
I am making a difference in the world.
Taking care of myself is important and necessary.
I give myself permission to do what is right for me.
I am a priority in my own life.
I choose to set healthy boundaries.
I love, accept, and appreciate myself.
I am competent and capable.
I give myself the care and attention I deserve.
It can feel uncomfortable or silly to say affirmations at first, but they’re a proven way to increase your well-being. Try writing one that resonates with you on a post-it and putting it on your mirror to say as you get ready in the morning, or reciting a few on the way to school each day.
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Want to learn even more?
Check out my book, The Teacher’s Guide to Self Care! (affiliate link)
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